Book Review – “Preacher Sam (Sam Geisler, Murder Whisperer)”, by Cassondra Windwalker

Let me start out by saying that I really enjoyed “Preacher Sam (Sam Geisler, Murder Whisperer)”, by Cassondra Windwalker. I’ve become a big fan of the British “cozy mysteries” on TV. What I like about these “cozy mysteries” are the quirky main characters and the colorful supporting characters.
Sam Geisler easily fits into this mold. Sam is an ex-minister. His struggles with his personal demons recently caused him to give up his ministry and his wife. His demons are much more serious to Geisler than to those close to him, including his ex-parishioners. He is called upon by his estranged wife and the minister who took over Sam’s flock to look into the murder of one of his ex-parishioners by her best friend, another ex-parishioner of Sam’s. Sam, in keeping with the cozy mysteries conventions, eventually solves the crime, in his idiosyncratic manner.
I found the book riveting. The story moved along quickly, with the requisite twists and turns. The characters of Sam, his sister Dani, and his estranged Melanie are well defined, multi-dimensional characters. I was torn between trying to rush through the book for the story and characters and reading more slowly to take in and appreciate Windwalker’s wonderful writing. I highlighted many truly memorable lines in the book.